nickels and dimes do add up, but...

Richard Brekne
Wed, 07 May 2003 21:46:51 +0200 wrote:
> List
> I have been wondering how some of you handle the little incidental things
> that sometimes need to be done on a tuning call.  I find it difficult to
> charge someone for something that takes very little time, and I like to do
> something a little extra if I can.  I think it makes the customer feel like
> he is being taken care of and not being taken advantage of.  But then, where
> do you draw the line?

A good policy IMV. Just make sure you keep em honest.. on their toes as
it were. No good getting exploited for being overly generous, if you get
my meaning. Hard to draw a clear line, but you know for sure when
someone wants you for breakfast. Just dont let it get that far. Let them
know that you do a little extra, but not necessarilly by telling them
out and out so. Some of the best PR you can get is that properly applied
<< little extra for nothing >>.


Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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