Unusual rib structure?

Sarah Fox sarah@gendernet.org
Wed, 7 May 2003 16:24:19 -0400

Hi Terry,

> I blew the name also (WS&G)! Wendel Nickel & Goss (I think!) is the
correct name. I assumed when you said the action was replaced, you mean it
was rebuilt in some fashion. Do you mean that you think the whole stack,
action rail supports and keyframe (and keys) were replaced? I think with the
WN&G action, you will usually see the name stamped somewhere on the action
rails - maybe even hidden somewhere on the letoff rail.

The logo is somewhat illegible.  I was told it was a "Nickels" action, and I
could make out that word, so that's what I assumed it was.  Now that you've
filled in a couple of blanks for me..

Wessell Nickel(s?) & G(r?)oss
Wessell Nickel(s?) & C(r?)oss

(New York)

As for the "replacement"...  The key frame, keys, action rail supports, and
action rails all appear to be original.  The wippens, hammers, shanks, and
flanges seem to be new in 1971 (the date the tech scribbled on the A0
wippen).  The wood just looks too recent to be from 1933, and the overall
condition of the action would otherwise look too good for a piano with this
amount of wear on the ivories.  Of course I could be wrong.  The previous
owner and I both assumed it was the original action, but when we pulled the
action for shipment, we both scratched our heads for a while and concluded
it looked too new for that.


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