OT to the Max was RE: space between black keys

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Wed, 07 May 2003 22:18:52 -0500

>"rm" said: "Anyhow it is up to the individual pianist his /her fingers fit
>between.  So if you have short broad fingers, forget piano, you better take
>up ukulele or trombone.  Just kidding."
>Well thanks for the painful memories: I tried ukulele, and just fretted over
>it too much. Tried the trombone, too, but after awhile I just let it slide.

Tried the organ, but couldn't stop? Gave up on the guitar because you 
couldn't pick the right one, bar none?

>So now I spend my time designing and building very simple instruments out of
>plants that most people consider useless weeds. Just about ready to market
>the first one: The Kudzu Kazoo.

And the Moon Flower lute, and the  Lambsquartertone with Hemp-o-Tempo.

>Okay, sorry.

Yea, me 2... or 3.

Ron N

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