OT to the Max was RE: space between black keys

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Wed, 7 May 2003 23:10:01 -0500

We gotta write that book, Ron!

Hemp-o-temp??? Sounds like that "exclusive Harmi-Tone action" on the Kimball
console (built by Pratt & Reed and sure looks like almost every other
short-sticker upright action I've seen). I guess it's like the pianos with
"Patented Bell Metal" plates. That's another book someone could write: All
the hype and nonsense piano makers have claimed or implied about their
products, with another whole section on the verbal chicanery, ignorance, and
unadulterated sales BS of some (many? most?) piano dealers.


-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org]On
Behalf Of Ron Nossaman
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 10:19 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: Re: OT to the Max was RE: space between black keys

>"rm" said: "Anyhow it is up to the individual pianist his /her fingers fit
>between.  So if you have short broad fingers, forget piano, you better take
>up ukulele or trombone.  Just kidding."
>Well thanks for the painful memories: I tried ukulele, and just fretted
>it too much. Tried the trombone, too, but after awhile I just let it slide.

Tried the organ, but couldn't stop? Gave up on the guitar because you
couldn't pick the right one, bar none?

>So now I spend my time designing and building very simple instruments out
>plants that most people consider useless weeds. Just about ready to market
>the first one: The Kudzu Kazoo.

And the Moon Flower lute, and the  Lambsquartertone with Hemp-o-Tempo.

>Okay, sorry.

Yea, me 2... or 3.

Ron N

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