Yankee push drill

Robert Goodale rrg@unlv.edu
Wed, 7 May 2003 23:47:16 -0700

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Wow!  I didn't know they still made those!  I have a couple of them that =
were my fathers, (died about 23 years ago).  I remember him using them =
quite frequently.  The popularity if these seemed to disappear suddenly =
when cordless drills came along.  Pretty neat huh?

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

  Last week I bought myself a Yankee push drill for my shop.  I went to =
a customers house and found
  a broken pedal rod (the one with the plastic ends) . I still had the =
drill in my car so I got it and drilled  the end of the rod and put in a =
screw and clipped the head and presto. This tool will stay in my tool =
box and not go to my shop.=20


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