Yamaha Model Question

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Thu, 08 May 2003 07:34:16 -0400


Would someone clarify this for me?

The most recent P202 I have in my files was made in 1982, and I was under the
impression they haven't been manufactured for a long time.  P2s are in the
Ancott directory until around 1997.  When were the P202s discontinued, or are
they still being made?  Haven't the P22s all been made in Thomaston for a number
of years already?

Trying to stay up-to-date,
Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Joseph Garrett wrote:

> Thomasville makes the P202 not the P22. As far as I know. The only way to be
> sure is to contact Yamama.

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