Yamaha Model Question

Robert Goodale rrg@unlv.edu
Thu, 8 May 2003 08:46:42 -0700

I mentioned this topic to a friend/sales person who is VERY knowledgeable on
piano history, (no kidding, he is a walking encyclopedia of brands, makers,
locations, who, when, etc).  His thoughts pretty much paralleled mine but he
said he would look into it further.  In short the consensus is that the P202
was the P22 version that was for a short time built in the old everett
factory before Yamaha shut it down.  I've seen quite a few of these and they
generally seem inferior to the P22.  The plate castings are rougher, less
accurate machining, cruder glue joints, etc.  Other than that they look
exactly like P22s.

The P2 I'm not 100% certain on.  From memory it seems like they were nearly
identical to the P22 but with a slightly different case style??  Not sure
but I would be very interested in learning all of this myself.  I know that
there was a transition period going on during which Yamaha moved the P22
manufacturing operations to America.  Some say "Made in Japan", others say
"Assembled in USA", and then there are the Thomaston pianos made exclusively
in the USA.  Confusing isn't it.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> The most recent P202 I have in my files was made in 1982, and I was under
> impression they haven't been manufactured for a long time.  P2s are in the
> Ancott directory until around 1997.  When were the P202s discontinued, or
> they still being made?  Haven't the P22s all been made in Thomaston for a
> of years already?

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