OT: Re: Weirdly wound strings/Tom Sivak

Dave Smith dsmith941@comcast.net
Thu, 08 May 2003 10:19:32 -0400

Tom, I've built a few fishing rods, and this is the standard practise when
finishing a thread winding on a rod.   About 5-6 turns from the end of the
winding, we start winding over the free end of the thread looped.  After the
last winding, the loop gets pulled and the hanging part cut off.  Neat job
except for the hump under the windings, as you pointed out.
 Keeps the winding tight until the epoxy goes on.

Dave Smith

> Tom,
> What you are describing is called Back Winding. It is done on strings
> wire that is too small to swedge. It helps to keep the winding tight. Or
> I've been led to believe.
> Best Regards,
> Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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