Major Kudos to Renner

Robert Goodale
Thu, 8 May 2003 10:08:27 -0700

Renner is absolutely an outstanding company.  They produce the highest
quality, best designed action parts I have ever seen.  I have a preference
of Able hammers over the Renner hammers, but all in all I never rebuild an
action with anything else.  I have also always received excellent service
from them.  I now consider myself as a permanent client for Renner.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Greetings list members,
All too often good news goes unspoken or unrecognized. Not this time!
Yesterday afternoon I called Renner and reported that I had a
damper action which was missing one complete lever from my order. I
expressed to them that this job needed to go out right away. To their
credit they over-nighted me one complete lever which I received before
12:00 noon today! This is quite an example of exemplary service. I thought
you all should know!

Greg Newell
Greg's piano Forté

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