To Yamaha, or Steinway... that is the question !

Richard Brekne
Thu, 08 May 2003 22:48:21 +0200

Issac, Andre, and others...

Thanks for the input. I am not sure what the faculty will do, but my
recommendation is that if the choice is between the Steinway C and the
Yamaha CF III for this hall then they should by the Steinway C if they
want that particular kind of carry power typical of Steinways, and if
they want the fullness that the extra length in strings allows for then
go for the Yamaha. 

Both are really nice each in their own way. But if you want my honest
best guess, they will buy the Steinway.... because its a Steinway. 



Isaac OLEG wrote:
> I concur , side by side comparaison.
> The C 227 is less powerful and less manageable instrument less long
> also.
Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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