To Yamaha, or Steinway... that is the question !
Thu, 8 May 2003 23:12:06 +0200

On donderdag, mei 8, 2003, at 22:48 Europe/Amsterdam, Richard Brekne 

> Issac, Andre, and others...
> Thanks for the input. I am not sure what the faculty will do, but my
> recommendation is that if the choice is between the Steinway C and the
> Yamaha CF III for this hall then they should by the Steinway C if they
> want that particular kind of carry power typical of Steinways, and if
> they want the fullness that the extra length in strings allows for then
> go for the Yamaha.
> Both are really nice each in their own way. But if you want my honest
> best guess, they will buy the Steinway.... because its a Steinway.
> Cheers
> RicB

Understand completely. On the other hand, I remember this Conservatory 
in Utrecht in the Netherlands when they bought a Yamaha CFIIIS. They 
already had a STW D but that STW was screwed up and at the time STW was 
not able for some reason to do anything about it.
So the Yamaha CFIIIS won and the STW disappeared to a back room, to 
never come back to the stage.
Then they bought a Bösendorfer concert which from the start sounded 
like a box of cleaning tissues.
The CF still won and it is still there.
A STW has a better sound but a lot depends on the tech.
In your case, I know that both a CFIIIS and the STW C are in very good 

The Netherlands

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