G452 Wurlitzer Grand

Bigeartb@aol.com Bigeartb@aol.com
Thu, 8 May 2003 23:57:44 EDT

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     I agree with Ron. Your best bet is to first make sure it is not a Young 
Chang. If it is you can bet your sweet 'bippi' that you probably need a new 
set of action brackets. The old one 'grow' therefore screwing up the entire 
action geometry. And, if you regulate the thing, it will 'grow' again and 
again and again. I've already been there and done this on a Wurlitzer 
Grand....regulate , grow some more and screw up everything.  I spent a good 
bit of time undoing what I already did......wrong! 
     This 'growing action bracket' thing is a strange happening that we don't 
often see and it can cause strange diagnosis that can really foul up 
everything. Get the model number and serial number and first call Young 
Chang. They can tell you if you need the action brackets.

Tommy Black
Decatur, Ala.

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