Piano Key Headscales

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Fri, 9 May 2003 06:42:08 -0400

At 1:03 AM -0700 5/9/03, Delwin D Fandrich wrote:
>The goal is to keep the gap between the sharps as wide and as uniform as is
>practical consistent with keeping the width of the natural tails as
>consistent as possible and wide enough to provide adequate strength.
>Absolute uniformity in impossible any you're left with compromises.

 From the same gremlins who brought you the Comma of Pythagoras.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"No one builds the *perfect* piano, you can only remove the obstacles 
to that perfection during the building."
     ...........LaRoy Edwards, Yamaha International Corp

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