Bad Business practices/venting
Fri, 9 May 2003 10:27:50 EDT

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In a message dated 5/9/03 3:57:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> It's the piano buyer that needs education.  If any of my customers suggest
> they might soon be looking for a piano replacement or if I suggest that it
> is time they replace their piano, I often offer to help them in their
> decision so they don't hop out of the frying pan and into the fire.  This
> doesn't happen that often, and I have never set up a price structure to
> get reimbursed for the time it takes, although I wish I could.  Anyone
> have a way that works?

I will charge an hourly fee based on my tuning charge to check out used 
pianos in homes, so how much it costs depends on how much inspection is 
required--usually based on age and condition of the instrument.  

If they are regular clients of mine with an old beater who are looking for a 
"fresh replacement", I will usually suggest a few instruments that might be a 
good fit for their family.  I normally don't feel it necessary to check the 
instrument out, especially if I trust the dealer and/or salesperson.  I work 
primarily with customers looking for low to mid-range models for home use, 
which is what I assume you are doing as well.  

I don't generally take money from stores for customer referrals.  I prefer to 
look at the bigger picture:  client trust, long-term customer, good customer 
word-of mouth.  Taking money from both ends of a deal strikes me as being 
slightly sleazy.    It comes down to a question of "who do you represent:"  
dealer or client?  

If it's a huge deal and I bring the customer in, work with them, and they 
buy, that's a different matter, but it hasn't happened yet.  If it does, I 
will accept my commission, but I will not ask the customer for a service fee.

Probably more than you asked for, but that's my few shillings, for what 
they're worth,

Dave Stahl

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