Wurzen felt

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Fri, 09 May 2003 16:23:42 -0500

>As far as pillows instead of hammers are concerned. I would just love to see
>one of these instruments that Del and Ron talk about, and view first hand
>the installation process of said hammers from the moment they get unpacked
>til the final touch of tone building is accomplished. I used a set of
>Ronsens that I got handed down from my brother once some years back. They
>went phoooofff when they hit the strings. And boy do I mean Phhhoooofff. But
>upon a few applications of lacquer they actually sounded very nice.

Watching the hammers being installed wouldn't teach you a thing because 
there's nothing fundamentally different in the hammer installation process 
except not drowning the poor things in lacquer. The difference is in the 

Ron N

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