Wurzen felt

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 09 May 2003 23:39:02 +0200

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >As far as pillows instead of hammers are concerned. I would just love to see
> >one of these instruments that Del and Ron talk about, and view first hand
> >the installation process of said hammers from the moment they get unpacked
> >til the final touch of tone building is accomplished. I used a set of
> >Ronsens that I got handed down from my brother once some years back. They
> >went phoooofff when they hit the strings. And boy do I mean Phhhoooofff. But
> >upon a few applications of lacquer they actually sounded very nice.
> Watching the hammers being installed wouldn't teach you a thing because
> there's nothing fundamentally different in the hammer installation process
> except not drowning the poor things in lacquer. The difference is in the
> soundboard.
> Ron N

Yes, I know the company line by now :).... its just that if the required hammer
density is very much less then what these Wurzen's have out of box, then I'd just
like to see the whole process to make sure for myself that nothing is done to
them except putting them on, with some rather minimal evening out voicing.
Seeing is believing as it were. I can be convinced.... no doubt about it... but
like I say I would very much like to see one of these instruments first hand, and
even more would like to follow the production process of one of them. Seems to me
that if the claims you make, as I understand them, are true... then you are
sitting on rather a clear cut gold mine that only needs discovering. I mean...
something that good simply has to surface big time sooner or later.... or what ?



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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