Wurzen felt

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Fri, 09 May 2003 17:21:29 -0500

>Yes, I know the company line by now :).... its just that if the required 
>density is very much less then what these Wurzen's have out of box, then 
>I'd just
>like to see the whole process to make sure for myself that nothing is done to
>them except putting them on, with some rather minimal evening out voicing.

You're right. I'm probably just lying to you for my personal entertainment 
and amusement, making it up as I go along.

>Seeing is believing as it were.

I have yet to see that...

>Seems to me
>that if the claims you make, as I understand them, are true... then you are
>sitting on rather a clear cut gold mine that only needs discovering. I mean...
>something that good simply has to surface big time sooner or later.... or 
>what ?

Apparently "or what". It surly must be a trick or subterfuge of some sort. 
Everyone knows soundboards don't age, magic tonewood being immortal and 
all, and hammer voicing is the obvious answer to everything. Even with 
extensively detailed descriptions of the theories and methods, and positive 
reports from people who have actually tried these things in real pianos, it 
still must be some trick with the hammers. I don't see any indication of 
that ever changing.

Ron N

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