Wurzen felt

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 10 May 2003 09:03:29 +0200

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >Yes, I know the company line by now :).... its just that if the required
> >hammerdensity is very much less then what these Wurzen's have out of box, then
> >I'd justlike to see the whole process to make sure for myself that nothing is
> done to
> >them except putting them on, with some rather minimal evening out voicing.
> You're right. I'm probably just lying to you for my personal entertainment
> and amusement, making it up as I go along.

Grin, well if we were to assume there was a reason for falsification here, I think
we all agree you are far to bright to choose that particular one.  In anycase, my
comment was not at all meant to be taken in that direction.

> >Seeing is believing as it were.
> I have yet to see that...

You have the same problem then eh ?

> >Seems to me
> >that if the claims you make, as I understand them, are true... then you are
> >sitting on rather a clear cut gold mine that only needs discovering. I mean...
> >something that good simply has to surface big time sooner or later.... or
> >what ?
> Apparently "or what". It surly must be a trick or subterfuge of some sort.
> Everyone knows soundboards don't age, magic tonewood being immortal and
> all, and hammer voicing is the obvious answer to everything. Even with
> extensively detailed descriptions of the theories and methods, and positive
> reports from people who have actually tried these things in real pianos, it
> still must be some trick with the hammers. I don't see any indication of
> that ever changing.
> Ron N

I think that I expressed a sincere desire to see one of these instruments for
myself. Exactly because there are some apparently significant claims being made
that naturally enough raise ones interest.  I think we all have to live with the
fact that human kind have a large portion of the skeptic built in... both the
rational and irrational kind.

But to address what perhaps may make the discussion a bit easier, perhaps it WOULD
be a good idea to get a set of these Wurzens in Dels hands.... so we can be sure we
are talking on the same page about how much hammer hardness is needed to drive a



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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