Wurzen felt

antares@euronet.nl antares@euronet.nl
Fri, 9 May 2003 23:52:52 +0200

On vrijdag, mei 9, 2003, at 23:17 Europe/Amsterdam, Delwin D Fandrich 
> I have not tried any Renner Blue hammers for several years so they 
> might
> have changed, but.... The last time I did use them I ended up taking 
> them
> off and tossing them. They were so hard and dense there was no way to
> needle them down to anything resembling a resilient hammer. They did 
> not at
> all resemble the hammers Andre is describing.
> Del

I have called Renner and Matthias Stöckle told me that indeed the 
'blues' are different from the hammers meant for the European market.
Probably Lloyd meijer could give us a proper answer to this?

The Netherlands

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