More on bridge making

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 09 May 2003 21:48:17 -0500

>As I'm looking more at bridges lately, I tuned a Kawai KG3C today and
>noticed that the bridge seemed to be made of solid maple.  Am I correct?
>There seemed to be no cap.  I meant to ask this question of Ron the other
>day in response to one of his posts.  If making a bridge out of solid
>maple, the grain should run horizontally not vertically?

I don't really know. Flat cut caps tend to split, but I haven't seen enough 
of them to know if that's the case with solid bridges.  Capping either a 
flat or quarter cut root should be equivalent, safe, and dodge the issue. I 
think what I said was that horizontally laminated bridges are every bit as 
good as vertically laminated ones, or something to that effect.

>Laminated bridges create a faux vertical grain,
>it wood (ha ha) seem, though the grain in the laminations is horizontal.

Not if you use rotary cut maple, which you most likely would if you were 
making lots of vertically laminated bridges. Again, it won't make any real 
difference either way.

Ron N

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