Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways: was Baldwin Accujust...

Bill Ballard
Fri, 9 May 2003 23:55:02 -0400

At 11:15 PM -0400 5/9/03, wrote:
>I have spent many years and many hours tuning and teaching duplex 
>tuning technology, and I consider it  beyond the bounds of 
>responsible technical rationale to attempt to redesign the plate of 
>a Steinway Piano and its duplex scale  instead of trying to tune the 
>duplexes as Steinway intended. Anyone who would go to such lengths 
>has obviously got a severe case of DUPLEXOPHOBIA. It is cureable, 
>provided your priority is the tone of the piano.

Did you just step in something, David? <g>

Mr. Bill

"Listen, I've got one job on this ship. It's a STUPID job. But I'm 
going to do it. ALL RIGHT?"
     ...........Sigourney Weaver in "Galaxy Quest"

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