Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways: was Baldwin Accujust...
Fri, 9 May 2003 23:15:18 EDT

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David Love,

It seems i may have missed the correspondence initiating the discussion on 
the rear duplexes, but I am glad that I found the email in time to drop into 
the conversation because I believe that there is something missing from the 
interplay. And that something is a bit of respect for CFT. 

When the duplex scale was originally incorporated in the Steinway design in 
1876 at the Philadephia Convention it was accredited to be one of the most 
significant new features of scale design by Steinway. It should be noted that 
since that time, S & S has remained a benchmark piano with a consistent and 
reliable tone. dozens of manufacturers have utilized CFT's patent to develop 
their own versions of this characteristic. 

I have spent many years and many hours tuning and teaching duplex tuning 
technology, and I consider it  beyond the bounds of responsible technical 
rationale to attempt to redesign the plate of a Steinway Piano and its duplex 
scale  instead of trying to tune the duplexes as Steinway intended. Anyone 
who would go to such lengths has obviously got a severe case of 
DUPLEXOPHOBIA. It is cureable, provided your priority is the tone of the 

Dan Franklin, RPT

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