Horowitz and Mohr

John Musselwhite john@musselwhite.com
Sat, 10 May 2003 10:22:17 -0600

At 09:16 AM 09/05/03 +0200, Richard wrote:

>What I never understood was what gave Steinway the right to reclaim the
>thing and wreck it in the first place ? Was it THEIR piano or was it
>Horowitz's ? Did they buy it back ? Was it given to them ? What was the
>deal ?

It's a C&A piano owned by Steinway, so it's always been theirs to do as 
they like. It's probably the oldest piano in the C&A stable as well, as 
they're usually fairly fresh pianos.

As far as the factory is concerned, action parts probably aren't any 
different from tires or an engine in a race car. It's the driver (and the 
chassis) that is important, not the parts used in the car.


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
http://www.musselwhite.com  http://canadianpianopage.com/calgary
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