Wurzen felt

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 10 May 2003 20:15:37 +0200

Nice to hear from you again there David.

Comments below.

"David C. Stanwood" wrote:

> Love the conversation about felt and voicing!
> I have to share this quote from a grand master:

Oooo.. did he have one of those funny red hats with the tassels ??

> "The art of hammer making has ever been to obtain a solid,  firm
> foundation, graduating in softness and elasticity toward the top surface,
> which latter has to be silky and elastic in order to produce a mild, soft
> tone for pianissimo playing, but with sufficient resistance back of  it to
> permit the hard blow of fortissimo playing."   Alfred Dolge - Pianos and
> their Makers  1911
> For me hammer felt voicing is all about a balance between hammer weight,
> density gradient, and resiliency.

Why is it that virtually all of us that have expressed an opinion so far, on
both sides of the Atlantic, express our preference for non laquered hammers,
yet its use is so wide spread over there ? Just curious.

> Lacquer builds density at the expense of resiliency.  A common problem with
> lacquer is that flooding the whole hammer hardens the surface fibers and
> makes for unpleasent pianissimo tone...  a good lacquer technique is to
> juice the shoulder with lacquer and immediately juice the crown with
> solvent or thin lacquer.   The thinner solution draws the harder lacquer
> out of the shoulder thinning it as it gets closer to the crown creating a
> density gradient while at the same time acting as a resist, keeping the
> harder lacquer out of the crown surface.
> David Stanwood

One other thing. David has heard a brand new un-needled set of Wurzens weighed
in at a half top SW curve on a Steinway C here in Bergen at the University
where I work. Perhaps he might be kind enough to relate his impressions of
these. David ??

> _______________________________________________
> pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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