TR: push/pull dynamometer/Calibrated beam keyweight measure

Thomas Cole
Sat, 10 May 2003 17:22:49 -0700

The method that a friend of mine has developed to check DW/UW/BW is very 
fast and lacks only the USB cable. It consists of a set of 11 weights, 
sawed-off lengths of brass hex rod, each marked with their weights - 20g 
to 30g. I store mine in a 3/4" x 6" long PVC pipe nipple with end caps.

You choose one weight for the desired upweight, say 25g, then place 
another weight on top of it, say 27g. The idea is that the two weights 
together is enough to depress the key and the removal of the top weight 
allows the key to return - at the same speed. The weights should be such 
that you're not wasting time pounding the table trying to make the key 
move, but the keys might take about one second to travel down and one 
second to come back up.

There's not much skill involved and you can very quickly spot where 
there is a friction problem or a balance weight problem. If you need to 
enter all the numbers into a computer, though, you'll have to do it 

Tom Cole

--- Isaac OLEG <> wrote:

>> Hello,
>> Here are the tool I was lucky to find ,it is a
>> simple one, with a
>> memory switch, and it is first intended to be used
>> horizontally so a
>> few grams are to be added to the result (given by
>> the manual) if
>> vertical move is to be used.

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