Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways: was Baldwin Accujust...

Roger Jolly
Sat, 10 May 2003 20:00:31 -0600

At 12:58 AM 5/11/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Hey there Roger !!
>I didnt mean specs as in quality control.... grin. I mean they specify a 
>certain design and Kelly produces it. However bad Kelly may or may not be, 
>I am sure they can get struts and the like in the right place... or what ?
>Skål !

Hi Ric,
            No they don't get that right at all.  Cool the plate too fast 
and you get all kinds of twist and bumps.  <G> The pattern may be right, 
but all kinds of strange things happen if you do not watch the process 
regards Roger. 

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