Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways: was Baldwin Accujust...

Bill Ballard
Sun, 11 May 2003 00:38:35 -0400

At 8:00 PM -0600 5/10/03, Roger Jolly wrote:
>No they don't get that right at all.  Cool the plate too fast and 
>you get all kinds of twist and bumps.  <G> The pattern may be right, 
>but all kinds of strange things happen if you do not watch the 
>process carefully.
>regards Roger.

Ric gets it completely, Roger. Maybe the quality of plate castings 
are a matter which a diligent factory should review if it gets too 
bad. Baldwin didn't. If we correct bad plate lay-out, are we 
redesigning the plate, or simply finishing Kelly's or Steinway's 
work? It's moot. We're simply making a better piano. And if the 
pianos that come out of shop sound better than others, then we are 

Regards, from the hotel bar.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"No one builds the *perfect* piano, you can only remove the obstacles 
to that perfection during the building."
     ...........LaRoy Edwards, Yamaha International Corp

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