Kids, tuners, and video tape

Bill Ballard
Sun, 11 May 2003 09:23:01 -0400

At 8:46 PM -0700 5/10/03, Donald Mannino wrote:
>I think I would have had some fun with the kid.  Maybe go get the 
>camera and point it directly at the wall outlet?

As is the recent movie "The Recruit", where Colin Farrell leaves his 
girlfriends house wearing a freshly installed bug. Halfway down the 
block an old lady walking her pug dog approaches. He bends down, 
compliments the dog, and deftly transfers the bug. Thereafter, the 
monitors of the bug are left to wonder why this old lady is asking 
Colin to hurry up with his hurry-ups so they can go back to the 
apartment for chopped liver.

Maybe the mom would like to know that her kid is further along with 
electronic surveillance than with issues of invasion of privacy. 
Maybe his dad works for the Justice Department and would be proud of 
his kid.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"A man who tells the truth is bound to be found out sooner or later."
     ...........Uncle Harry in "The Tailor of Panama"

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