Bedevilled by a Baldwin yet again

Dave Foster
Sun, 11 May 2003 18:59:19 -0000

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  I've cleaned and prepped my share of old Baldwin studio pianos and besides
all the normal action noise, I've noticed that the catcher and hammer butt
glue joint is sometimes loose.  It will almost sound like a loose hammer,
and is genererally only heard with a medium to hard blow.  That's something
you might want to check.

  David Foster
  Auburn Hills, MI
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:29 AM
    Subject: Bedevilled by a Baldwin yet again

    Hi List,

    I was going to list this as "Today's Puzzler," only that wouldn't be
fair, because I don't have an answer yet...:-(  Hopefully, with a little
more tweaking, and some good advice from this great resource, I can come up
with one.

    A friend of mine bought a 70's Baldwin Hamilton Studio from a local
dealer.  I went out to do the free tuning/service call, and found that the
piano had basically not been seviced at all in the shop.  It was a quick
in-and-out deal.  The piano was filthy inside, really out of tune, had
plenty of lost motion, and had lots of action noise.  After a bit of
regulating and a tuning, the piano sounded and played much better--except
for the clacks.

    This is a corfam era piano, but I know that sound: this is not it.  What
I'm hearing is almost like a jack or hammer shank slapping on something.  I
think I've got it isolated to the whippen.  Last night I took the action out
and tightened every action screw in sight(and some hidden ones).  They were
definitely on the loose side.  Put the action back in, and the
clacking/clicking was still there.

    If I had much hair left, I'd be pulling it out by now...any suggestions
as to what this might be would be extremely helpful.  I guess I'm a

    This comes a day after tuning a 90's Baldwin that has hammers that make
granite seem soft where I couldn't get a clean unison on isolated single
strings in the temperament....:-}

    Thanks in advance,

    Dave Stahl

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