Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways:

Bill Ballard
Mon, 12 May 2003 07:20:44 -0400

At 1:30 AM -0700 5/12/03, Robin Hufford wrote:
>  .............Indeed, in my opinion,  this is a view worthy of real criticism
>and, almost indignation,  as there are numerous self-serving implications
>residing in this, the emotional utility of which I do not wish to go into but
>which are readily obvious on a little reflection.   I, for one, do not find
>myself assigning character to situations difficult of solution in a supposed
>attempt to relive myself of, again, some supposed responsibilty to correct
>them.  Nor do I find this characteristic of other technicians, although it may
>well be characteristic of those who propose this for others.


With all due respect, you've stated this position before. We on the 
list know how you feel on the subject. I for one think it's time you 
accept the fact that among the topics for discussion here, are 
modifications of the original design of pianos, most frequently 
Steinways. That frequency should not imply that Steinway is the only 
maker whose original designs deserve reviewing, it's simply a 
function of the preponderance of Steinways among all those pianos 
being rebuilt.

Accepting that fact also means realizing that your lengthy positions 
on this matter aren't going to change what people do in the privacy 
of their own rebuilding shops, nor their readiness discuss on this 
list modifications, proposed or executed, to Steinway pianos. I learn 
more from the evolving discussions of ways in which *a piano* could 
be improved by judicious modification, than I do from yet another 
repetition of your positions.

With all due respect to a fellow list member, who writes very well.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"No one builds the *perfect* piano, you can only remove the obstacles 
to that perfection during the building."
     ...........LaRoy Edwards, Yamaha International Corp

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