Wurzen felt

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Mon, 12 May 2003 07:24:15 -0400

At 9:20 AM +0200 5/12/03, Richard Brekne wrote:
>An important distinction to be sure. And... as long as you mentioned 
>it... we could
>really get into just how the mass of the "bone" as it were... or the 
>shank itself
>contributes to the whole thing. It has a resonance of its own, and how much it
>flex's is a determinant in how other factors contribute.

We talked about the flexing of the shank, but nobody had a clear idea 
of how much of that was still present when the hammer hits the 
string. You're right, higher SWs mean more shank flex.

>Do I understand you here to also be drawing up a distinction between
>adding leads to the core of the hammer vs just plain more hammer felt ?

Yes, the distinction becomes clearer when considering just the hammer 
head itself. Felt = muscle, molding (with or w/out leads) = bone. (At 
the risk of oversimplification......)


Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"You'll make more money selling my advice than following it"
     ...........Steve Forbes, quoting his father, Malcom

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