
David M. Porritt
Mon, 12 May 2003 09:46:21 -0500

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I must thank you for your tome of early this morning.  It gave me an
appreciation for something that has never occurred to me before, and
that is the grief that someone like C.F.T. Steinway must have taken
from his contemporaries.  You know colleagues must have chided him
for his "arrogance" in thinking he could "improve" the pianos on
which luminaries like Chopin and Liszt had made their music and their

I'm just glad he had the mental fortitude to stick with his work and
make the changes he made.  I hope our current "redesigners" have that
same strength to see their innovations become standard practice in
the industry, and then to continue to probe the mysteries of our
craft to make even more improvements.  God bless the people who
challenge the status quo.

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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