Tuning pin tightners

Don pianotuna@accesscomm.ca
Mon, 12 May 2003 09:05:34

Hi Kerry,

For those few pins that don't work with your Garfields--try using some CA
glue. I believe you will be very pleased with the results. It seems that
using CA glue on previously doped pianos works better than on undoped
pianos. It would be most gratifying if someone would try Garfieds on one
octave of pins, CA glue on another octave, and both on a third octave and
report back to the list.

At 08:24 AM 5/12/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>At 11:49 PM 5/12/2003 +1000, you wrote:
>>After being applied to a plank, what is the condition of the wood. Is it
>>going to be able to be repinned or plugged at a latter stage, or is this
>>application going to destroy the wrest plank so that it has to be replaced.
>I leave uprights on 
>their back for at least 24 hours, and don't tune for two weeks.
>         Since CA stinks to high heaven, and doesn't work real well when 
>the ambient RH is under 20%, I much prefer Garfields.

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.


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