Pet Hate

Alan Forsyth
Mon, 12 May 2003 21:27:53 +0100

   >> We do, though, have our own version of nearly
worthless, maddening pianos. We call them "spinets".
     Stay sane!!!

Yes, indeed, we have a few of those here too. You can have them back if you
want. They tend to get dismantled down to the strungback and sent to the
piano colleges for the students to practise their chipping. Most pianos
sound quite good when tuned but these things!!

Our instructor told us that we were trained to even make a bag of nails
sound good, but he never mentioned Baldwin #1118078 and a certain Kimball
Whitney!  While tuning a wooden framed piano is like trying to tune a
washing line, at least you don't have to be a professional contortionist
while doing so.

Occasionally I take electronic readings of the harmonic deviations on
pianos; while the average piano shows a harmonic deviation of + 8 cents at
A440, the Kimball's reading is a whopping, disgusting, screeching +17.5
cents. No wonder all the dogs in the neighbourhood were howling!

Alan Forsyth

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