Pet Hate

gordon stelter
Mon, 12 May 2003 15:01:26 -0700 (PDT)

> Our instructor told us that we were trained to even
> make a bag of nails
> sound good, but he never mentioned Baldwin #1118078
> and a certain Kimball
> Whitney! 

    If you need any more Kimball Whitneys, and the
E.U. does not object, perhaps we could start a very
lucrative overseas exporting business in these fine
specimens, as 60% of the "pianos" here in Ga.,U.S.A.,
seem to be of this one particular breed!
     But would the "Mezzo-Thermoneal Stabilizers"
violate some "dual-use" provision of UN arms treaties?
If so, I suppose that I could remove them before
    But, then, that might reduce the quality/value of
the instruments.
     Oh well. 
     Nice idea while it lasted.

     Gordon Lee Stelter 

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