D.C. causing nausea?!

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 19:17:37 -0700

Called to schedule a tuning for regular customer, having installed a D.C. 
dehumid/humidistat about 8 mo. ago. While she was happy i called to schedule 
her next tuning, she also said something that really shocked me..no pun 
intended! She said that she UNplugged the D.C.,  not long after I installed 
it in her Yamaha U1, because (she claims) it was making her NAUSEOUS!! Has 
ANYone EVER heard of this happening? I asked her how she could be certain 
that The D.C. was the culprit, and she said that as soon as she unplugged 
it, the nausea was gone! I'm wondering if she could actually have this 
reaction to the D.C., or is it more likely that she imagined it or something 
along those lines. This Is indeed a first for me, having installed countless 
D.C. systems, but never one complaint...at least up to this point. Has 
anyone EVER heard of this kind of thing happenning, or blamed on a 

Terry Peterson

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