D.C. causing nausea?!

Larry P. Trischetta ltpianoman@adelphia.net
Mon, 12 May 2003 22:46:55 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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Hi Terry,=0D
My sister is VERY sensitive to almost anything! So much that if only one
person in a large room has any kind of cologne on or if anything gets
airborne that's not natural, she gets a migrain and other reactions. (She
stays home a lot!) Soooo.. I'm thinking that the water treatment in the t=
gets mixed and evaporated along with any chemical in the pads (blue dye??=
and MAYBE she is super sensitive to that when it gets dispersed into the =
she is breathing. Can't for the life of me think of anything else (not li=
I gave it a ton of thought to begin with!). Hope this opens doors.=0D
Larry P. Trischetta, Pocono NE Chapter=0D
Scranton, PA=0D
(back on the List after many many moons)=0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Pianotech=0D
Date: Monday, May 12, 2003 22:18:40=0D
Subject: D.C. causing nausea?!=0D
Called to schedule a tuning for regular customer, having installed a D.C.=
dehumid/humidistat about 8 mo. ago. While she was happy i called to sched=
her next tuning, she also said something that really shocked me..no pun =0D
intended! She said that she UNplugged the D.C., not long after I installe=
d =0D
it in her Yamaha U1, because (she claims) it was making her NAUSEOUS!! Ha=
s =0D
ANYone EVER heard of this happening? I asked her how she could be certain=
that The D.C. was the culprit, and she said that as soon as she unplugged=
it, the nausea was gone! I'm wondering if she could actually have this =0D
reaction to the D.C., or is it more likely that she imagined it or someth=
along those lines. This Is indeed a first for me, having installed countl=
D.C. systems, but never one complaint...at least up to this point. Has =0D
anyone EVER heard of this kind of thing happenning, or blamed on a =0D
Terry Peterson=0D
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* =0D
pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives=0D
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