Weighing off an action

David C. Stanwood stanwood@tiac.net
Mon, 12 May 2003 23:07:40 -0400


I like it!  Just to clarify... after you make all the U/D measures, you
remove the stack and put each key on the Front Weight scale jig and correct
the front weight by the amount your off by the balance weight... so if a
key has a BW of 35 and you want it to be 38 you would remove 3 grams of
Front Weight by removing lead...  It's a good method because you can work
the lead pattern with the key off the frame.  


>I weigh off with the stack on, strike weights smoothed, the action
>regulated and lubricated.  Measure up and down weights.  Figure out
>friction and balance weight for each note.  Adjust front weight leading for
>each note to get even balance weight.  One gram off the front weight will
>increase the balance weight by 1 gram.  You need a platform for weighing
>such as David Stanwood makes and a gram scale.  Make all the balance
>weights the same and maintain as uniform a leading pattern as possible with
>respect to front to back placement.  Address high and low friction values. 
>Works very neatly.  
>David Love
>> [Original Message]
>> From: Greg Newell <gnewell@ameritech.net>
>> Date: 5/12/2003 10:33:08 AM
>> Subject: Weighing off an action
>> Greetings listees,
>>          I'd like to ask if the method that everyone uses to weigh off

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