Pin Tighteners

Tue, 13 May 2003 20:34:02 -0600

At 07:59 PM 5/12/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>First of all Garfields stinks just as bad! :-(

With all due respect, Joe....
   I think not! I can breath a fair amount of the Garfields/denatured 
alcohol solution with no ill effects. CA saturation requires very good 
ventilation or possible loss of (in my case, few remaining) brain cells. 
Uh... can you, uh, afford that? <G>

>Secondly, CA can be used with
>the "Kicker", which will work in 0% humidity. Just my thoughts on this
True, and the kicker does kick out here. But... it seems to kick the 
surface. In the case of deep block penetration..... like as much as half an 
inch, will the  kicker really work? I've had CA tubes leak in my cooler and 
still be gooey after two or three days.

>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Regards to you, too, sir,
Guy Nichols, RPT
Ft. Stinkin' Desert, NM

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