No Power Yamaha revisited

Ron Koval
Tue, 13 May 2003 18:44:41 +0000

Cool clue, ric!

So it seems that the bedding must be good if you don't get the same symptom 
with the hammer out of the equation..... So, my guess would have to be an 
over-flexable hammer rail, if you get movement of key neighbors with the 
hammer in the mix.  Or, does the hammer provide enough resistance to make 
the balance rail move?  I guess it would depend if the neighbor hammers move 
up, or down on strong blows.

Ron Koval

>From RicB:
Hi Folks.

Ok.. I think I have it figured out. And before I dig into any draconian
measures, I'd like to hear what you all have to say about the following

When you play hard on the key neigbor hammers are bouncing like crazy...
BUT !!!... if you lift the hammer out of the way by means of a shank
hook and hit the key just as hard then .... no bouncing.

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