OT - About Today: Vicious Viruses, SARS Scams

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Tue, 13 May 2003 15:37:05 -0500


A reputable site!


Long-time readers of this newsletter know that Tuesday is always an unlucky 
day for me.
Well, today I'm going to try to keep it from being an unlucky day for you. 
There's a pretty
bad virus spreading and there are some real scams out there. Read today's 
top stories
and protect yourself.

In the Spotlight

  <http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/DRJ>Fizzer Worm Targets Email, KaZaA Users

A mass-mailing email worm that also spreads via the KaZaA P2P network 
brings with it a
keylogging Trojan, remote access capabilities and a host of other functions 
that make
getting infected by this worm nasty business.
- Antivirus Guide Mary Landesman

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