Action Geometry Consistency
Wed, 14 May 2003 06:41:35 EDT

Bradley writes: 
>I try and get key dip, aftertouch, letoff, and blow distance as even as
>possible (in that order). As a general rule, I try to maintain evenness
>in aftertouch and key dip, which forces me to distribute the majority of
>the inaccuracies between the blow distance and the letoff. 

   My order would be let-off, aftertouch, keydip, blow distance.  

>>Every once in
>a while I come across a note where something in the action geometry is
>obviously wrong (e.g. to get everything else correct, the blow distance
>would need to be in excess of 1/8" higher/lower than the rest of the hammer
>What do I do to fix this problem?

   I split the difference between blow and keydip.  

 Ed Foote RPT
 <A HREF=""> Six Degrees of Tonality</A>

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