Action Geometry Consistency

Bradley M. Snook
Wed, 14 May 2003 10:24:53 -0500

I had already looked at the centers just as Isaac suggested; I shimmed a few
in different directions but it seemed to just make the problem worse. I have
also looked at the knuckles, and there are inaccuracies there as well, but
should I really break the knuckle off and then reglue it at a different
angle? My preference is to fix the cause of the problem, instead of simply
adjusting for the existing conditions (i.e like I currently do when I
regulate). At this point I am still not exactly sure where to look and what
to do.

Key Dip
Right now I place a high importance on a consistent key dip: I set the
entire keyboard at +/- .003. I will on occasions go to +/- .007" when
absolutely necessary.

I set aftertouch using punchings and a key weight; my goal is to get the
aftertouch even at +/- .002".

Blow Distance
Right now most everything that I try to hide is here in the blow distance,
and I do feel comfortable justifying +/- .065", but any more than that
really starts to stand out. I am just not so sure that a concert instrument
should have more than this?


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