Science Marches On !! DOT

Richard Brekne
Thu, 15 May 2003 00:00:23 +0200

Big headlines in the paper the other day, tho Definantly Off Topic

Statistical science shows its creative genius once again !

It is now conclusive... non smokers cost societies around the world
roughly 6 times the amount of health dollars as smokers do. No BS... no
hoax... just plain truth. As it turns out.. on average non smokers
manage to survive into those years that require health care of various
(and expensive) sorts 12 years longer then smokers do.

Instead of dying with a smile on your face after that last big cough,
one dies in a last gasp of strain after laying 4 years in an old folks
home with a bed pan as your best freind it seems.

No doubt we will soon hear from our authorites that perhaps smoking was
not such a bad idea after all.

Ya gotta love it.



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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