Steinway D Bridge

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 14 May 2003 22:04:24 -0500

>I recently tuned a Steinway D (1925?) that had a mid - treble bridge
>with pins that were distinctly non - parallel to the capo bar.  The pins
>were nearly set parallel to the bridge itself with three distinctly
>different string lengths per unison.  A nearby 1912 D and all other
>instruments I have seen have bridge notches with the speaking lengths
>equal.  I noticed no significantly different tone qualities from this
>manner of scale design.  The bridge seems to be original and un

It's supposed to add a little extra noise ("life") to that part of the 
scale, like the tuned front and rear duplexes are also supposed to do.

>This seems to negate some suggestions that parallel agraffes are

Unless you like the noise, or otherwise consider it a feature.

Ron N

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