Henry F. Miller

Ray T. Bentley ray@bentley.net
Thu, 15 May 2003 08:48:14 -0500

Clyde and list,

I've serviced many of the new Henry F. Miller pianos.  They are by far the
best pianos to wear the Henry F. Miller name that I have ever seen in my
opinion.  (I am babysitting one from the sixties for my daughter which she
inherited from my wife's mother until she gets a place big enough for it.)
They are made in the Pearl River factory to the same quality standards.

We recently were treated to a presentation by Dave Campbell who represents
Pearl River at an extended meeting of the St. Louis Chapter.  The
construction is a great improvement over earlier Chinese offerings.  The
factory is very modern, making use of Wurlitzer tools from Holly Springs
among others.  If you get a chance to hear his presentation, don't miss it!

Yes, name recognition is one thing, but we all know that the name doesn't
mean that the product bears any resemblance at all to those produced by the
original maker.  FWIW.


Ray T. Bentley, RPT
Registered Piano Tuner-Technician
Alton, IL
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clyde Hollinger" <cedel@supernet.com>
To: "Pianotech" <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 5:30 AM
Subject: Henry F. Miller

> So they're making Henry F. Miller pianos again!  I used to tune a couple
carefully built old uprights, and I tune at least one cheap 1960s era spinet
by the same name.  Now they're entry level Chinese.  What's in a name?  Not
much, when it comes to pianos.  Just an observation, and not a new one,
> Regards,
> Clyde Hollinger, RPT
> Lititz, PA, USA
> Norm Barrett wrote:
> > I ran into a new one today. A brand new Henry F. Miller grand that
probably was not prepped at the store. <snip>
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