HT tests
Thu, 15 May 2003 13:55:52 EDT

> wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> I think I need to be re-enlightened as to the temperament of the Young
>> Chang...
   The temperament that was proposed for us various techs to compare 
reactions with was as follows: 
C   =  5
C#  = 1
D    = 3
D#  = 3
E   = -2
F    = 5
F#  = 0
G   =  5
G#  = 2
A    = 0
A#  =4
B   = -1

    There are four M3rds that are widened to 18 cents (E, B, F# and C#).  The 
C-E is only 7 cents wide and the F-A is 8.  Ab is 17cents, etc.    This 
provides a pretty fair amount of contrast, and I use it quite a bit.  
    For those that want to compare it with something a little more refined,  
I think the Coleman 11 would prove to be an excellent introductory 
temperament for tuners to offer: 
C   = 4
C# = 1
D    =1
D#  =1 
E  = -2
F   = 5
F#= -1
G    =3 
G# =1
A   =0
A# =3
B  =-3
Ed Foote RPT
 <A HREF=""> Six Degrees of Tonality</A>

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