Cut-off image

Ron Overs
Fri, 16 May 2003 07:55:31 +1000

>At 8:34 AM -0700 15/5/03, Phillip Ford wrote:

>A nice looking frame.  Why do you make the cut-off from two 
>different types of wood rather than one?

For the reason Ron N suggested, to make it look appealing. Since both 
woods exceed our minimum strength specification (and are of 
Australian origin).

>   Also, what is the function of the E-shaped metal piece on top of 
>the framing?

It is an added stiffener, which holds the back braces. It is a 
standard Samick feature. This case is the last of two which were made 
for us.

The vacuum, for those who asked, is a terrible old (extremely noisy) 
thing. You know the story, your wife decides to get rid of that awful 
vacuum cleaner. So the new item goes to home while the 'oldey' ends 
up in the workshop.

Ron O.

Grand Piano Manufacturers


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