attached pictures.

Delwin D Fandrich
Fri, 16 May 2003 10:58:11 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Don" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: May 15, 2003 5:13 PM
Subject: attached pictures.

> Hi All,
> As our wonderful Canadian pianos get older and older metal plates are
> beginning to fail.
> I've only seen a very few but today for the first time there was a
> "repeat"
> on the make. It was a Mason and Risch larger upright with open plate and
> pressure bars serial #5333.
> I hope this is not a trend!

OK. I finally found the picture. Looks like the strut between the
tenor/treble sections just above the bridge.

What puzzled me was your comment about pianos getting older and the older
metal plates beginning to fail. I can't think of why age, taken by itself,
should be a factor. I would suspect, rather, something inherent in the
design of the piano and/or the metallurgy of the plate itself. In which
case, yes, it could be the beginning of a trend.

A couple of additional pictures showing a bit of perspective would be
helpful. Perhaps one from the side showing the shape and configuration of
this bar. Given the market value of these pianos it may not be worth it,
but this thing might be repairable.


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