Action Geometry Consistency

Avery Todd
Fri, 16 May 2003 15:01:11 -0500


I don't understand this. The aftertouch is "part" of the dip. It sounds 
like you're regulating
them independently!


>I don't know. Once I've decided that I'm going to put the error into the 
>aftertouch, I don't really care what the dip is. As I said, 15 mils of 
>error at the front of the key is ten times more noticeable to the pianist 
>in the aftertouch than in the dip, which is why I put it in the dip.

>Bill Ballard RPT
>NH Chapter, P.T.G.
>"All God's Children got Rhythm"
>     ...........Ivy Anderson in "A Day at the Races"
>pianotech list info:

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